Coronation Wikipedia

Welcome to the official Wikipedia for Coronation! Coronation is a novel in development following the plot of a virus outbreak in the small town of Hanover Grove.

This website serves as a knowledge base for everything relating to Coronation. It was created on April 3rd, 2024. This wiki is solely written by one person, so updates may come slowly.

* If you are someone confused who stumbled upon this site, welcome! I plan five steps in advance so most of these links may not work lol, sorry.

Click on one of the buttons on the left sidebar to get started!

The 'Details' button below displays a list of this pages updates! (It may be long, so it is closed to save lag and space).


04.04.24 - Added page for Ina Haru.

04.04.24 - Finished page for Luther Hadsall.

03.04.24 - Finished characters page! (will likely be redone in the future)

03.04.24 - Added page for Luther Hadsall.

03.04.24 - Website was created. Hello!

Featured Characters ( Updated Weekly / Monthly )

Main Characters

Important Characters

Additional Characters